What to do with Used Office Furniture


what to do with used office furniture

What to Do With Used Office Furniture

When the time comes to upgrade or clear out your workspace, you might find yourself pondering what to do with used office furniture. These pieces, ranging from desks to ergonomic chairs, have served you well, and it seems wasteful to simply discard them. Thankfully, there are a multitude of options for giving your used office furniture a second life, whether through donation, sale, or creative repurposing.

The Second Life of Office Furniture

Donating to Non-Profits

Donating your used office furniture can have a substantial impact on your local community. Non-profit organizations, schools, and startups often operate on tight budgets and can greatly benefit from your pre-loved desks, chairs, and shelves.

  • Finding a Recipient: Reach out to organizations like The Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity, which often accept office furniture.
  • Tax Deductions: Remember, donating to a registered charity can also offer you a tax write-off.

Selling or Trading

If your furniture is in good condition, selling it could be both economically and environmentally beneficial.

  • Online Marketplaces: Utilize platforms such as Craigslist, eBay, or Facebook Marketplace to reach potential buyers.
  • Office Furniture Dealers: Some dealers specialize in selling used office furniture and may offer you a trade-in deal.

Upcycling for a New Purpose

Get creative with your old office furniture by transforming it into something new.

  • DIY Projects: Turn old file cabinets into planters or repurpose desk tops into stylish home tables.
  • Collaboration with Artisans: Work with local artists or woodworkers to convert old office pieces into unique art.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability

Embracing corporate social responsibility (CSR) by handling your used office furniture sustainably reflects well on your business and contributes to a healthier planet.

Environmental Benefits

  • Reducing Landfill Waste: By finding a new purpose for office furniture, you’re minimizing your ecological footprint.
  • Sustainable Practices: Engage in eco-friendly practices that can set a precedent within your industry.

Creating a Circular Economy

  • Participation: Take part in a circular economy by ensuring that the materials and products are reused and recycled.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with environmental organizations that can facilitate the reuse or recycling of your furniture.

The Practicalities of Furniture Removal

what to do with used office furniture

Logistics of Donating or Selling

  • Transport: Determine how you’ll transport the furniture to its new home. Some organizations may pick up large donations.
  • Timing: Plan ahead, as some resale or donation processes can take longer than anticipated.

Handling Large Quantities

  • Bulk Sales: Look for liquidation companies that specialize in buying large quantities of used office furniture.
  • Corporate Donors: Large donations can often be handled through corporate donor programs that support larger community projects.

Tips for Preparing Your Furniture for Its Next Stage

Before you donate, sell, or repurpose, it’s important to prepare your furniture to ensure it’s welcomed by its next owner.

Cleaning and Repair

  • Clean Thoroughly: A good cleaning can make a huge difference in the appeal of your furniture.
  • Minor Repairs: Fixing small issues like loose screws or stuck drawers can increase the value of your furniture.

Inventory and Valuation

  • Create a List: Document your items and their condition.
  • Assess Value: Research the going rate for similar used furniture to set a fair price.

Creative Repurposing Within the Office

If you’re not looking to part with your furniture but still need a change, consider these in-office repurposing ideas.

Refreshing Your Space

  • Reconfigure: Rearrange the furniture to refresh your office layout.
  • Refurbish: Update the look with new upholstery or a fresh coat of paint.

Employee Use

  • Employee Sales: Offer furniture to employees at a discounted rate.
  • Home Office: As remote work becomes more common, employees may appreciate the chance to enhance their home office setup.


Determining what to do with used office furniture doesn’t have to be a headache. With a little effort, you can find a solution that benefits not only your company but also the environment and your community. Whether you choose to donate, sell, or creatively repurpose, you’re contributing to a cycle of sustainability that extends the life of practical and often well-made office furniture. As you make your decision, consider the impact of your choice and take pride in the fact that, in finding a new home for these items, you’re doing good by your company and your community.

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