How to Get Rid of Patio Furniture


how to get rid of patio furniture

How to Get Rid of Patio Furniture


Clearing out old patio furniture can be a daunting task. Whether you’re making room for new outdoor pieces, moving to a new home, or simply decluttering, understanding the best ways to dispose of your patio furniture is crucial. This guide offers comprehensive insights into various methods, ensuring an efficient, responsible, and environmentally friendly approach.

Understanding Your Disposal Options

1. Donation: A Generous Approach

Donating your old patio furniture is a wonderful way to give it a second life while helping others. Many charitable organizations accept furniture donations, and some even offer pick-up services. Local shelters, community centers, and schools often welcome such contributions. Websites like Freecycle or Facebook Marketplace also provide platforms to donate items directly to individuals in need.

2. Recycling: Eco-Conscious Disposal

Recycling is an excellent option, particularly for metal or plastic furniture. Contact local recycling centers to find out their policies and procedures for bulky items like furniture. Some municipal waste services also offer special pick-ups for recyclable items. This option not only gets rid of your patio furniture but also contributes positively to the environment.

3. Selling: Profit from the Past

Selling your old patio furniture can be both profitable and practical. Online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or local community boards are ideal platforms. Hosting a garage or yard sale is another great option, especially if you’re looking to sell multiple items at once. Remember to clean and, if necessary, repair your furniture to fetch a better price.

4. Upcycling: Creative Reimagining

Upcycling is a creative and eco-friendly way to repurpose your old patio furniture. Transforming an outdated chair or table into something new not only gives it a new lease on life but also adds a personal touch to your outdoor space. You can find numerous DIY tutorials online for inspiration.

5. Professional Removal Services

For those who prefer a hassle-free approach, professional junk removal services are available. While this option often comes with a fee, it’s an efficient and effortless way to clear your space.

Preparing Your Furniture for Disposal

Proper Cleaning

Thoroughly clean your furniture before disposal. This step is crucial, especially if you plan to donate or sell your items. Use appropriate cleaning agents for different materials like metal, wood, or plastic.

Safe Disassembly

Disassembling bulky items makes them easier to transport and might be necessary for recycling. Ensure you have the right tools and take safety precautions during the process.

Material-Specific Disposal Tips

how to get rid of patio furniture

Plastic Furniture

  • Recycling: Many recycling centers accept plastic furniture. However, check the type of plastic as some may not be recyclable.
  • Donation/Sale: Lightweight and durable, plastic furniture is often in demand.

Metal Furniture

  • Recycling: Metal is highly recyclable. Scrap yards and metal recycling centers usually accept such items.
  • Upcycling: Consider repainting or modifying metal furniture for a fresh look.

Wooden Furniture

  • Upcycling: Wooden furniture is ideal for DIY projects. Sanding, painting, or restyling can give old furniture new life.
  • Recycling: Wood can be recycled, but it often requires treatment removal first.

Wicker or Rattan Furniture

  • Donation: This type of furniture is popular due to its aesthetic appeal.
  • Upcycling: Refurbish with new paint or weaving techniques for a modern twist.

Tips for Effective Disposal

  • Evaluate Condition: Assess the condition of your furniture. If it’s in poor shape, recycling or professional removal might be the best option.
  • Plan Ahead: Research and plan your disposal method in advance to ensure a smooth process.
  • Stay Eco-Friendly: Always consider the environmental impact of your disposal choice.
  • Be Transparent: When selling, provide accurate descriptions and photos of the furniture.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure safety when moving heavy or bulky items. Use proper lifting techniques and get assistance if needed.


Disposing of patio furniture can be a straightforward task with the right approach. Whether you choose to donate, sell, recycle, or upcycle, each method offers a unique solution to clearing your outdoor space. Considering the material, condition, and size of your furniture will guide you to the most appropriate disposal method. With careful planning and a bit of effort, you can efficiently manage the removal of your patio furniture, paving the way for a refreshed and rejuvenated outdoor area. Remember, your old furniture can find a new home, serve a new purpose, or be responsibly recycled, contributing positively to the environment and your community.

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